FLOAT.F5906209.WMO = '5906209'; FLOAT.F5906209.OperatorFLID = '18739'; FLOAT.F5906209.Operators = 'UW'; FLOAT.F5906209.OperatorMetaln = '7782_18739.meta'; FLOAT.F5906209.status = {'blad
210126','1'}; FLOAT.F5906209.launchDATE = '20200110'; FLOAT.F5906209.launchTIME = '0956'; FLOAT.F5906209.launchLAT = '-44.9533'; FLOAT.F5906209.launchLON = '57.8367'; FLOAT.F5906209.Ftype = 'Apex'; FLOAT.F5906209.sensors = 'IONpF'; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_pressure = {'DRUCK','2900_PSIA','10982683'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_temperature = {'SBE','SBE41CP','11435'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_conductivity = {'SBE','SBE41CP','11435'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_oxygen = {'Aanderaa','4330','3088'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_nitrate = {'MBARI','ISUS','0844'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_pH = {'SBE','SEAFET','0844'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_fluorometer = {'WetL','ECO_FLBB_AP2','5504'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_fluoroCHLA = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_fluoroBBP700 = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906209.sensor_cdom = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906209.ship = 'Mirai'; FLOAT.F5906209.CRID = 'I7S'; FLOAT.F5906209.EXPOCODE = '49NZ20191229'; FLOAT.F5906209.ctdFNAME = '-999'; FLOAT.F5906209.botFNAME = '-999'; FLOAT.F5906209.STNNBR = '107'; FLOAT.F5906209.CASTNO = '1'; FLOAT.F5906209.ctdDATE = '20200110'; FLOAT.F5906209.ctdTIME = '0606'; FLOAT.F5906209.ctdLAT = '-45.0011'; FLOAT.F5906209.ctdLON = '57.7873'; FLOAT.F5906209.NOTES = {'2020-01-10:ID: Ship uses 4-digit ID 8693',... '2020-01-13:CTD:The CTDs secondary sensor wigged out beginning at 500m on the down cast, apparently from a jellyfish getting sucked into it. The primary sensor worked fine. Figured someone would come across this in the CTD data and have questions. From the chief sci- "We had a problem only in the secondary system (T2 and C2). In the final product to be sumbitted to CCHDO, only the output from the primary system will be used. There is no problem as long as T1 and C1 are used (excellent match of T1 with SBE35), although the output from the secondary will be recorded in the intermediate products."',... '2021-01-26:bladder:SN indicates it may have a bladder issue'}; FLOAT.F5906209.Adopt = {'Portsmouth Christina Academy','Dover','NH','The Grouse' ,'http://www.go-bgc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/The_Grouse.html'}; %% must have two percent signs on this line. Can put comment after FLOAT.F5906209.CCHDOln = 'https://cchdo.ucsd.edu/cruise/49NZ20191229'; FLOAT.F5906209.EuroArgoln = 'http://fleetmonitoring.euro-argo.eu/float/5906209';